前方记者小室发来一些易烊千玺与动物朋友们“友好” 互动的小瞬间。😊
Our front-line reporter, the studio, captured some charming instances of Jackson Yee's "friendly" interactions with his furry friends. 😊
Our front-line reporter, the studio, captured some charming instances of Jackson Yee's "friendly" interactions with his furry friends. 😊
Jackson Yee wishes a happy 15th birthday to the official Sina Entertainment Weibo account!
Jackson Yee wishes a happy 15th birthday to the official Sina Entertainment Weibo account!
Golden Goose 携手品牌全球代言人 #易烊千玺 以全新黑色Lightstar 再现复古潮流,演绎先锋美学。
Golden Goose teams up with global brand ambassador #JacksonYee to showcase the new black Lightstar, bringing retro trends back to life and embodying cutting-edge aesthetics.
Golden Goose teams up with global brand ambassador #JacksonYee to showcase the new black Lightstar, bringing retro trends back to life and embodying cutting-edge aesthetics.
镜头之下,锁定视觉焦点。Golden Goose 品牌全球代言人 #易烊千玺 演绎全新黑色Lightstar 鞋履,极简纯黑勾勒利落姿态,搭配拼接材质棒球夹克,引领复古风潮。
Golden Goose 亚太区首席执行官Mauro Maggioni 携手品牌全球代言人 #易烊千玺 在永远的梦想家活动 ****** 同开启天猫小黑盒,推出独家黑色Lightstar 鞋履,传递复古美学,释放摩登魅力。
Cr. Golden Goose
Cr. Golden Goose
谁能拒绝穿着独一件定制款的 #易烊千玺 啊?
Retro and futuristic!
Who can resist #JacksonYee wearing a unique custom-made piece?
On behalf of everyone, I've asked if he can post a selfie
Cr. 孙怡静cristine
谁能拒绝穿着独一件定制款的 #易烊千玺 啊?
Retro and futuristic!
Who can resist #JacksonYee wearing a unique custom-made piece?
On behalf of everyone, I've asked if he can post a selfie
Cr. 孙怡静cristine