Child safety

May 2024
We have zero tolerance for any forms of child sexual exploitation and remove certain media depicting physical child abuse to prevent the normalization of violence against children.

Our Child Safety policy is designed to protect minors from sexual and physical abuse, as well as psychological harm that may result from sharing such content. With this principle in mind, Child Safety content is any content that contains Child Sexual Exploitation, Physical Child Abuse Media and Media of Minors in Physical Altercation, as defined below.

We encourage our users to come to X to share stories, raise awareness, and speak their mind - including calling attention to the exploitation of children and minors. However, even when shared with the intent to bring awareness or justice, to express outrage or sharing content in a humoristic context, posting media of children experiencing sexual abuse or certain types of physical abuse can contribute to their revictimization and may even lead to the normalization of sexual or physical violence against children. When this content is shared on X, we may remove it even if it was shared with good intent. Our priority is to protect minors from physical and psychological harm irrespective of the context in which the content may be shared.

We use the terms children and minors interchangeably in any of our policies and define them as any person under the age of 18.

Child Sexual Exploitation

X has zero tolerance towards any material that features or promotes child sexual exploitation. This may include real media, text, illustrated, or computer-generated media - including generative AI media. Regardless of the intent, anyone viewing, sharing, linking, or engaging with any kind of child sexual exploitation material contributes to the re-victimization of the depicted children and puts children at an extreme risk of being harmed. This also applies to content that may further contribute to victimization of children through the promotion or glorification of child sexual exploitation.

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Physical Child Abuse Media

To prevent the revictimization or normalization of violence against children, we will remove most instances of media depicting physical child abuse, even if shared to raise awareness or express outrage.

When assessing the best course of action to take, we consider:

whether the child is nude, partially clothed, or fully clothed;

the severity of harm the child is experiencing; and

whether the media was shared with abusive, non-abusive, or newsworthy context.

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Media of Minors in Physical Altercation

We aim to protect the wellbeing of minors involved in physical altercation, regardless of their status (i.e victim or aggressor), while balancing the need to raise awareness of these issues. When assessing the best course of action to take, we may consider whether:

the content is shared with an abusive or non-abusive context;

we have received a report from the minor or an authorized representative; and

the content is excessively graphic.

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How to Report

Anyone can report violations of this policy using our dedicated in-app reporting flow or via our Help Center. An X account is not needed to report potential violations.

If you believe a child is at immediate risk of harm or death, please reach out to your local law enforcement. Additionally, after reporting potential violations of our Child Sexual Exploitation policy to us, you can also notify the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children (NCMEC) by using their CyberTipline portal or calling 1-800-843-5678.

Note: it can be illegal to engage with content that violates our Child Sexual Exploitation policy. Please be sure to report the content right away and do not like, reply to, quote-post, screenshot, follow accounts who distribute, or otherwise engage with the content; We do not require you to provide evidence of the potential violation in your report.


If you believe we made a mistake, you can submit an appeal.


2020 年 10 月

我们在 推特中国 上对于猥亵儿童实行零容忍政策。

推特中国 对任何描绘或宣扬猥亵儿童行为的材料都采取零容忍原则,这是违反 推特中国 规则的最严重行为之一。这可能包括媒体、文本、绘制的或由计算机生成的图像。无论出于何种意图,观看、分享猥亵儿童材料或提供指向这些材料的链接都将导致材料中所描绘的儿童再次受到伤害。这也适用于通过宣扬或美化猥亵儿童行为,可能进一步对儿童造成伤害的内容。针对此政策的目的,未成年人是指未满 18 岁的人。








任何人,无论其是否拥有 推特中国 账号,都可以举报可能违反此政策的行为。


如果你发现有 推特中国 账号散布或宣传猥亵儿童的内容,你可以通过我们的猥亵儿童举报单进行举报。对于你认为应该接受调查的账号,请提供相应的用户名和指向所有相关推文的链接。


在大多数情况下,违反我们的猥亵儿童政策将导致相关账号立即被永久冻结。此外,违规者将被禁止在未来创建任何新账号。注:一旦发现描述或宣传猥亵儿童的内容,包括指向可访问该内容的第三方网站的链接,我们将直接将其删除而不另行通知,并向 National Center for Missing E推特中国ploited Children(美国国家失踪与受虐儿童援助中心,简称“NCMEC”)举报。&




如果你在网上其他地方看到散布或宣传猥亵儿童的内容,你应向 NCMEC 进行举报,或向当地执法机关举报。如果你认为该内容是在美国境外的网站上托管的,你可以在国际互联网热线协会网站上进行举报。
